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نشر بتاريخ 2023-09-19 1:58 PM
Jaw tip implants Implants applied to those with a small or backward jaw tip. With the chin tip implants, the lower jaw is extended and it is ensured that it is in a structure compatible with the face. Bone cells enter the pores of Medpor implants, which have a porous structure, and ossification occurs in that area. It is a procedure performed under local anesthesia, sedation or general anesthesia. The operation is performed under the chin or in the area between the lips and teeth in the mouth. After the operation, which does not leave any scar, the patient can return home on the same day. https://instagram.com/sha.health.care?utm_source=qr&igshid=O GIxMTE0OTdkZA== مع sha.health.care في اسطنبول يمكنك الحصول على أفضل أشكال الرعاية الصحية بأيدي خبراء محترفين https://instagram.com/sha.health.care?utm_source=qr&igshid=OGIxMTE0OTdkZA== SHA. Healthcare is a group of healthcare professionals, and we are here to help you. Call.now.+90 532 449 46 88 Email: info@shahealthcare.com #SHACal #q.promotion.mix #istanbul #care #turkish#lebanon#UAE #jordan #iraq #dubai