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- إعلانات قطر
- الدوحة
- للباحثين عن عمل
- قانون و محاماة
- مستشار قانونى يبحث عن عمل
مستشار قانونى يبحث عن عمل
نشر بتاريخ 2024-02-07 8:27 AM
قانون و محاماة
الوظيفة:محامي عام
درجة التعليم:بكالوريوس
نوع الوظيفة:عقد دائم
عربي إنجليزي
مستوى الخبرة:
15+ سنة
Honorable Professor / Director, My God protect you Peace and Gods mercy and blessings be upon you while yet IM honored to present to you my application for a position lawyer With your distinguished institution I hope that my resume matches the skills, qualifications and experience necessary for the vacant position, which I believe is through my experience in all branches of law. Over the course of 20 years and my studies that preceded my work and the specialized courses I received make my strongest opportunity to join your distinguished institution, and I hope to win the opportunity to have a personal interview with you In the near future. I dont have a chance to work with greats like you, but Im trying to get an impossible chance to prove the dream of joining the professional team Greetings to your kind person My name Amr Ahmed Zakaria Address 30 institute freedom st , Ain shams , Cairo , Egypt Mob- 00201003700805 E-mail Amrsaadl@yahoo.com