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Published at 2023-09-19 2:02 PM
Due to weight loss and aging, the fullness in the face area and in different parts of the body is lost to a great extent. In order to add volume to these areas and to create fullness at the necessary points, the non-surgical operation considered is called fat injection. It is made by transferring the fat cells taken from certain points of the body to the needed parts by needle. This application is intensively evaluated especially to create fullness in the hips and breasts. GIxMTE0OTdkZA== مع في اسطنبول يمكنك الحصول على أفضل أشكال الرعاية الصحية بأيدي خبراء محترفين SHA. Healthcare is a group of healthcare professionals, and we are here to help you. 532 449 46 88 Email: #SHACal #q.promotion.mix #istanbul #care #turkish#lebanon#UAE #jordan #iraq #dubai